The Architekt #222 (imperfection is my definition)

Who am I, truthfully? How does my Ideal Self look like? Is it my own “soul”?
What shall I do in order to find Ella, ever my angel of mercy?
Do I deserve to be with her?
What has happened to my life and me? What shall I do with this?
How much time do I need to wait to enter the dream-world, a better reality?
How do I know if I’m going through the right path, that there’ll be Light in the end?
Am I being gloriously watched? Is my back being taken care of, too?
How can I become an oneironaut?, (desperation shan’t guide my steps, I need faith).
Is my world malleable? By whom? Can it be by myself?
What is truthfully real and what is not?
Is the world I breathe in, ultimately mental materials and products? And its peoples?
How many persons can I derive to? What can I be, and how much?
Why am I here? What is my purpose for this unasked-for existence?

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